Unity for the two-year-old Máte

Collected and delivered:

1 511 000 HUF

As part of our latest fundraising, we urgently want to help a two-year-old boy Máté from Debrecen who suffers from a very rare disorder. The little boy has been sick since birth, has already suffered two strokes, had continuous and severe epileptic seizures and is currently only able to breathe with the help of a tracheal cannula. Máté is constantly being treated with very expensive drugs, which is why his condition has improved a lot but in order to further recover and catch up with his contemporaries as soon as possible, he needs special therapy worth several million forints, which is carried out at the Borsóház in Solymár.
Our foundation wants to help Máté’s medical treatment by collecting HUF 1.5 million HUF!

Supporting our fundraising

Bank Transfer:
Payee name: Derus Lelekkel Alapitvany
IBAN: HU75121000111760406000000000
Country/territory: Hungary
Address: Jozsef korut 69.
City: Budapest
Postcode: 1085

We regularly publish the latest news about Máté on our foundation’s Facebook page

Thanks to the support received so far, Máté was able to start the second week of the Borsóházas therapy in the meantime.

A short report in his mother’s words:

“Today we arrived at the Borsóház and the 2nd week of intensive therapy began. Máté was very good. He handled today attentively, with good humor and as a partner. Of course there were difficult moments, but it was a fraction of the previous times. In our opinion, he responds well to the improvements, for which we are very happy and grateful to everyone!”

Máté’s family originally comes from Nyíracsád. The little boy arrived as the first born in January 2020, to the great joy of his parents, but even then it seemed that everything was not right with his health, as most of his body was covered with red spots.

The first year was a very trying time for the little boy and his parents, Péter and Szandra. In addition to the nerve-wracking uncertainty that there was no clear diagnosis of what was wrong with Máté, they had to constantly worry about the tiny baby, who suffered two strokes and was on a ventilator several times due to epileptic seizures.

Finally, after a year, it was revealed that the rare genetic disease from which the so-called Sturge-Weber syndrome, which caused a benign vascular tumor, eye abnormalities and glaucoma, and because of this, red spots cover 80% of the little boy’s body. According to the doctors, brain disorders can be ruled out for Máté, as he is attentive and inquisitive. The red spots on your body are caused by benign vascular tumors, which can be faded with laser treatment. However, in the case of Máté, the risk of thrombosis must be kept in mind for all interventions, and it is vital to keep blood-thinning medications at a constant level.

The parents, doing everything for Máté’s recovery, moved into an apartment in Debrecen in the fall of last year. Máte is now being developed here in Debrecen at the Children’s Rehabilitation Center in Ibolya Street. The little boy is developing successfully, but all this is still not enough, Máté needs more intensive sessions and as soon as possible. The solution is Borsóházas therapy, which is available closest to them in Solymár and is extremely expensive. These sessions cost HUF 1.5-2 million per year, and this amount only covers the therapy, travel expenses are not included, for example. In addition, Máté must constantly take expensive medications.

The goal of our foundation is to collect HUF 1.5 million, with which we would like to contribute to the physiotherapy treatments and therapies that are necessary to further improve the little boy’s condition.

If you have the opportunity to help you can do so in the following way:

Donation with credit card:

Please select this option if you wish to donate in Hungarian forints (HUF).

Donate with Paypal:

Please select this option if you wish to donate in a different currency (EUR, USD, GBP).

Bank Transfer:
Payee name:
Derus Lelekkel Alapitvany
IBAN: HU75121000111760406000000000
If you need SWIFT (BIC): GNBAHUHB Country/territory: Hungary Address: Jozsef korut 69. City: Budapest Postcode: 1085
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