Let's get Sára on her feet

7052 EUR

UPDATE: thanks to the great cooperation we were able to collect HUF 2,651,943 (7052 EUR) for the surgery in Barcelona. The surgical intervention went well and now Sára is ready to starti rehabilitation treatments at home.

Klaudia, Sára’s mother, thanked the helpful people and our foundation in a message:
“DEAR FAMILY, FRIENDS, ACQUAINTANCES AND STRANGERS! We would like to thank everyone who contributed in any way to Sára’s surgery in Barcelona! The intervention went very well, Sára handled the trials skillfully, we are incredibly proud of her! I would especially like to highlight the help of the Derűs Lélekkel Alápítvány, who made it possible for our call to spread and supported this large-scale project with their volunteer work. We are very grateful to all of them for creating a better and better future for our little girl with their cooperation! The next step after a little rest is the intensive development, so that thanks to the muscles that have just been relaxed, we can get to know new forms of movement. 🙂Sending you a million hugs! ❤❤❤ Sára, Klaudia, Jani

In our present fundraiser, we want to create the financial conditions for a very important surgery abroad for a smiling, cheerful 4-year-old girl, Sára, so that she can stand on her feet for the first time in her life. Sára was born extremely premature, was in the hospital for a long time and is currently unable to stand, sit or walk. His parents regularly take her to various developmental treatments and therapy but a real breakthrough in his condition is the so-called Nazarov operation which would be performed in Barcelona in February next year. The cost of the surgery alone costs 4,700 euros (nearly HUF 2 million at the current exchange rate), which does not include travel and accommodation. In addition, as part of the post-surgery rehabilitation, additional developmental therapy is justified in this country which also represents a significant financial burden. On the occasion of one of our previous fundraiser we already managed to fulfill Áron’s dream who needed the same operation and we reached the set goal on time. We hope that our initiative will be successful this time as well and that the planned amount will be collected for the duration of the surgery.

Bank Transfer:
Payee name: Derus Lelekkel Alapitvany
IBAN: HU75121000111760406000000000
Country/territory: Hungary
Address: Jozsef korut 69.
City: Budapest
Postcode: 1085

Below is a letter sent to our foundation by Sára’s mother, Klaudia in which she describes their story.

“Our little girl, Sára, from a twin pregnancy was born as an extremely premature baby at the 23rd week. She was on a ventilator, CPAP for a long time, had to be resuscitated on the 14th day and unfortunately the complications that occur at this time also appeared (stroke, BPD, ROP II, intestinal infection, feeding difficulties). She was in critical condition for weeks, she also got several infections but she fought hard and wanted to live. She was released from the hospital after more than 100 days.

At home we started her immediate development with the Katona method and from the age of 3 months he also receives the Dévény treatment. At the age of six months we switched to early complex development. The hypotonia caused by premature birth was accompanied by the complication of the diagnosis of cerebral palsy, spastic muscles, which are the biggest problem in Sára’s development. For this reason she is very far behind his peers in his movements, she cannot sit, stand or walk and we are slow to achieve success. In addition she is a very cheerful, smiling, intelligent little girl.

Currently she is 4 years old and in addition to early complex development we attend horse therapy, Dévény gymnastics and hydrotherapy on a weekly basis. Due to the sudden growth her tightness in the legs and hips increased as a result of which the improvements became uncomfortable and painful for her. That is why Nazarov’s surgery, which unfortunately is not supported by the state, arose as a possibility. The intervention is carried out in Barcelona, ​​and the cost of the operation is 4700 EUR (of course, this does not include the additional costs – travel and accommodation).

During the operation small incisions are made at the stuck fibers, thereby releasing the tied muscles, making movement easier and painless. Sara needs 27 cuts. A large improvement can be observed in previous patients so we are confident that this intervention will also improve Sára’s condition.

We would like to ask for help with the high surgery costs and look for supporters who can contribute to a better quality of life for this little girl. Thank you very much in advance for your efforts!”

If you have the opportunity to help you can do so in the following way:

Donation with credit card:

Please select this option if you wish to donate in Hungarian forints (HUF).

Donate with Paypal:

Please select this option if you wish to donate in a different currency (EUR, USD, GBP).

Bank Transfer:
Payee name:
Derus Lelekkel Alapitvany

IBAN: HU75121000111760406000000000

If you need SWIFT (BIC): GNBAHUHB Country/territory: Hungary
Address: Jozsef korut 69. City: Budapest Postcode: 1085
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