A new chance for Sanyika
Collected: 6063 EUROS
Sanyika is a cheerful three-year-old boy who has spent many, many days in hospital. After long years of trying, he arrived as a test-tube baby, to the great happiness of his parents. Unfortunately he was born prematurely. After birth he suffered a stroke, several infections, a lung hemorrhage and the doctors fought for his survival for weeks. Finally, he was able to go home for the first time from the hospital at 3 months old. After that, his parents immediately started improving him with physical therapy and various special therapies, which proved to be effective up to a certain level. However, the next big step, which would result in a significant improvement in the little boy’s condition, is the so-called It would be a Nazarov surgery in abroad, where they release the tied muscles, making movement easier and painless for Sanyika. The cost of the surgery alone is 4,700 euros (nearly HUF 2 million), which also includes the cost of travel and accommodation. After the surgery, Sanyika will need additional rehabilitation therapy, which also means a financial burden of thousands of euros (hundreds of thousands in HUF). In the past, our foundation has already managed to send two small children abroad, on whom this intervention was successfully performed. After Sára and Áron, let Sanyika be our next success story!
Bank Transfer:
Payee name: Derus Lelekkel Alapitvany
IBAN: HU75 1210 0011 1760 4060 0000 0000
Country/territory: Hungary
Address: Jozsef korut 69.
City: Budapest
Postcode: 1085

Below is a letter what was sent to us by Sanyika’s mother, Marina, in that she describes their story.
“Sanyika was born on 10/03/2019, a test-tube baby , we waited 5 years for him, he was preceded by countless attempts to conceive. There were problems at the beginning of the pregnancy, but they disappeared by the second trimester, and we’ve thought we could breathe a sigh of relief.
Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out that way, he was born unexpectedly on the 26th week, weighing 990 g, doctors could’t find the cause of the premature birth. After he was born, he had a bilateral, grade 3-4 stroke, we were not assured of anything good, he fought to stay alive for weeks, infections and lung bleeding followed, and soon it became clear that he would also need a shunt to drain the accumulated cerebrospinal fluid.
At the age of one month, he underwent surgery and received a temporary shunt, which stabilized his condition so much that he was taken off the ventilator, and the goal was finally weight gain and development. A month and a half later, the shunt had to be replaced because it was clogged, but after that he managed to learn to eat and we were able to bring him home at three months.
We started developing it almost immediately, we did child physiotherapyat at home using the Katona method, we went to Dévény (town is Slovak) for physiotherapyat as well and we started going to the Tunyogi Pedagogical Service for early development. Sanyika received a permanent shunt in the summer, and in the fall we continued the improvements with full force. At one year old, he could only turn from his stomach to his back, but soon after that he learned to crawl, which was a big milestone for us, he was finally able to change places. It soon became clear that he has epilepsy, fortunately this can be treated well with medication in his case, he has no seizures. We made good progress, he improved a lot in movement, understanding, and attention, until the abdominal stem of the shunt had to be replaced in the summer of 2021 because it was blocked. One month after the operation, he developed a fever, and it turned out that the cerebrospinal fluid became infected during the operation, thereby affecting the entire shunt system, so the shunt had to be removed, and he was put on a ventricular drain for the duration of the cleansing. This usually means a few weeks of hospital stay and bed rest, which in itself is a lot, but we ended up having 3 such rounds: the ordeal lasted from mid-July 2021 to March 10, 2022, during which time he was at home once for 3 and once for 1 week…
During the continuous lying down, his already tight muscles became so tight that he stopped crawling completely, he could only stay on his stomach for a short time, and he could barely hold his head up. The surgeries and pressure changes destroyed the optic nerves, and he became visually impaired.
Of course, the long hospital stay took a toll on him and on us as well, the whole situation seemed very hopeless, he received intravenous antibiotics and many other medications for months… He has had 21 neurosurgery operations in his life so far.
Since March, we have gradually returned to improvements, he can now turn and crawl for a short time (mostly pulls himself forward with his left hand), but he cannot sit, stand, or walk. Intellectually, he has improved a lot in communication (he can’t speak yet, but he has a lot of willingness), but we can see in movement that we can’t move forward because of the tightness, despite the many exercises and therapy. That’s why we decided to consult with Dr. Nazarov, who immediately suggested surgery.
We read a lot of positive experiences about this, and since it is a less stressful procedure, we decided to go for it. After the operation, with relaxed muscles, you will be able to perform the movements you have already learned more easily, you can learn new forms of movement, it can also have a positive effect on chewing (currently we also have problems with eating), and we hope that your feeling of well-being will improve as the unpleasant tension eases. The doctor performs the operation in Barcelona, the price of which is 4,700 euros, which also includes the cost of travel and accommodation. And we have to continue the previous therapies even after the surgery, and it is even important that he gets proper movement development, that’s the only way the intervention makes sense. Most of these are done privately, so if we get any amount of help towards the cost of the surgery, it means a lot to us.”
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Payee name:
Derus Lelekkel Alapitvany
IBAN: HU75 1210 0011 1760 4060 0000 0000
Country/territory: Hungary
Address: Jozsef korut 69.
City: Budapest
Postcode: 1085