For Noémi’s steps, for an easier and pain free life
Collected: 2461 EUR
We succeeded 3 times already… Let be Noémi the next little child, who can go abroad due to our charitable collaboration to get a specific surgery performed on her to help getting on her feet and walk alone once and for all! In the past year our Foundation aided three children to travel and get the so called Ulzibat method surgery done on them. Two of them, Áron and Sára have been operated already, Sanyika is still waiting on his appointment with the funds available. After the surgery it is crucial to attend in intensive rehabilitation for long weeks or as long as possible, which is about the same cost as the surgery itself. The foundation helped with this sum, too. In the case of Noémi we have the same goal. The surgery alone costs EUR 3500, and there are additional accomodation and traveling expenses. After the operation she also needs to have intensive rehabilitation to develop her move. These therapies cost around EUR 3000 in her case.
Bank Transfer:
Payee name: Derus Lelekkel Alapitvany
IBAN: HU75 1210 0011 1760 4060 0000 0000
Country/territory: Hungary
Address: Jozsef korut 69.
City: Budapest
Postcode: 1085

Noémi’s mother, Szabina sent a letter to our Foundation to introduce her daughter and their story:
“It’s a story about a little girl, she’s disabled in a wheelchair, lives with Cerebral Palsy, has constant pain in her limbs, isn’t able to walk or run with her 17 months old brother, learned to read at 4 years old, can translate kids songs straight away from English to Hungarian, wants to be a pediatrician, loves to swim, reading tales, playing with her tablet, looking at herself in the mirror like other girls, etc.
She is our lovely daughter. She suffers from Tetraplegia Spastica which means she has stiffness in her limb muscles most of the time. This condition raises an obstacle against her movements, has damaging effect on her joints and also is very painful. There is the Ulzibat method, which doesn’t fall under the scope of health insurance in Hungary and the closest where they do the surgery is Kladno, Czech Republic. It is minimally invasive, heals easily, but expensive for our family.
Noémi’s story
She was born premature in 2017 and suffered brain injury due to lack of oxygen. She spent 2 months in an incubator. Since then there have been countless hours of therapies, every kind available governmental or private, I would not go into details. We even selled our starter home to move closer to a rehabilitation and healthcare hub, Pécs, Hungary. She started talking only at 3,5 years of age during an intensive conductive therapy. Soon after it was clear that she is not injured intellectually. Now she talks all the time. She starts school this September.
Noémi can crawl alone, she has to be cautious while sitting, because she has to concentrate to stay in balance. We purchased a standing machine, a gait trainer walker, a kid wheelchair to swap up the stroller. We also tried the robotic therapy last week. It’s stunningly remodels the healthy walk and other movements.
My daughter has absolutely good chance to start walking with less help after the surgery. My husband and I secretly hope for a more independent life for her. To develop our little one’s health and wellbeing is our biggest purpose in life.”
If you have the opportunity to help you can do so in the following way:
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Bank Transfer:
Payee name:
Derus Lelekkel Alapitvany
IBAN: HU75 1210 0011 1760 4060 0000 0000
Country/territory: Hungary
Address: Jozsef korut 69.
City: Budapest
Postcode: 1085