Support the work of
our foundation

Cheerful Soul Foundation for the Hungarian Children

Our foundation was established primarily for two key purposes:
– on the one hand, it seeks to provide assistance to children and their families with serious illnesses and, in connection with this, to support hospitals and institutions where Hungarian children are cared for from here and beyond our borders through fundraising;
– our other central goal is to embrace disadvantaged juveniles who live in very poor living conditions, and to help the operation of Hungarian orphanages where such children are raised.

Featured fundraisers

Collected: 1493 EUROS

Collected: 2461 EUROS

Collected: 5750 EUROS

Supporting our fundraising

Donation with credit card:

Please select this option if you wish to donate in Hungarian forints (HUF).

Donate with Paypal:

Please select this option if you wish to donate in a different currency (EUR, USD, GBP).

Bank Transfer:

Payee name:
Derus Lelekkel Alapitvany
IBAN: HU75 1210 0011 1760 4060 0000 0000
Country/territory: Hungary
Address: Jozsef korut 69.
City: Budapest
Postcode: 1085

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